
MudJumpy1063 t1_j5ijjgp wrote

Essential winter gear if you walk or use transit in anything colder than -8C. With two pairs of regular socks, my feet stay warm standing for an hour at -25C.


MudJumpy1063 t1_j2v1da5 wrote

I have. 600 and 900 watt. This may not be helpful...but, I find it's a heater that's got a lot of "torque", if you get my meaning. There isn't that blast of hot air, but just a constant even temperature. As for warm enough, that depends on so many factors. I suppose the best compliment I can pay is that I sometimes turn it down, sometimes up, but I haven't paid much attention to the settings specifically.


MudJumpy1063 t1_j2ut5f2 wrote

I upgraded to an oil filled portable radiant heater. I really love it. Same wattage as ceramic fan (1500W in this case) but it seems sturdier. Maybe also less likely to burn out if overloaded? In any case would recommend.