Musetrigger t1_j9dnr55 wrote
Reply to do yall like my creation i made? by memesthatarerac
Oh yeah. He looks top tier. I got an eye for these sorts of things.
Musetrigger t1_j8eueky wrote
Reply to Kids' faces painted black for Black History Month at Florida preschool, parents outraged by GaryOaksAlcoholism
In Florida, you can wear black-face, but you're not allowed to understand why it's wrong, under penalty of torture.
Musetrigger t1_j8etoic wrote
Reply to Alabama Democrats want to ban employers from forcing workers to get microchipped by thatguygreg
Also Reps: "Let's put microchips in the working class so we can steal their freedom!"
Musetrigger t1_j7zogib wrote
I really want to see what a glob of collected microplastics looks like.
Musetrigger t1_j6nkzya wrote
Reply to comment by IvanStarokapustin in Woke’s no joke: breakfast cafe’s name awakens US conservative ire by domo415
Breitbart News: "Coffee makes you a Hitler hating liberal!"
Musetrigger t1_j6bqpec wrote
Go where the idiots go. They click on anything if it has Jesus or a dead immigrant on it.
Musetrigger t1_j62cozf wrote
Reply to bigfoot poop by drewbuggie
I think you got a record there, Randy.
Musetrigger t1_j5h6z24 wrote
Reply to Norwegian government funds research to find out if white paint is racist by EntertainmentNo2044
It's just a color lads. Let's not ruin the color white just because there's a group of white fuckers that hate everyone that isn't white.
Musetrigger t1_j5anfq1 wrote
Reply to Living room by JerBearBK
The ceiling friend is hungry. Do we have any pizza rolls left?
Musetrigger t1_iyd8ugl wrote
Reply to Judge rules Swissvale native Jack Burman and Jacob Wohl must spend 500 hours registering voters by DaveOJ12
Jacob Wohl. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
Little shitstain.
Musetrigger t1_iy8myme wrote
Reply to Payne, Logan County assistant district attorney arrested on child pornography charges by OkVermicelli2557
The republican party is the party of filthy pedos!
Musetrigger t1_iy8jx4a wrote
Here come the conservatives screaming about free speech.
Musetrigger t1_iv462yt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Blood moon lunar eclipse expected on election day, last one for three years by deron666
The moon is probably not real anymore anyways.
Musetrigger t1_iv1digl wrote
I can see people posting on Twitter how this means God wants a red wave or something.
I'll be like, how do you know the moon isn't turning communist?
Musetrigger t1_iuima8n wrote
Reply to Wasn't me 👀 by MaybeThisTimeIllWin
First name pig, last name fuck.
Musetrigger t1_itzr19n wrote
Reply to [Image] You are a descendant of stars by ripoutmyfuckwc
Makes ya feel special, huh?
Musetrigger t1_itlv9nz wrote
Reply to [image] Monday reminder. by verbselflove
Well, alright then. I better stop surfing Reddit and get back to work.
Musetrigger t1_jadi117 wrote
Reply to Isla Bryson: Transgender rapist jailed for eight years by PEVEI
Here come the conservatives jumping on this shit like ants to a jolly rancher.