
Mushroomer t1_jb5l39t wrote

Definitely not a reboot, but I wouldn't mind a new show about the entertainment industry from some of the 30 Rock team. They were pretty incredible about breaking down the absurdities of the industry and seeing where entertainment would be going in the next decade - I wouldn't mind that sort of satire right now.


Mushroomer t1_jad5vrn wrote

I think "got lucky" is a bit unfair - they seem to be really talented at working with a producer like Feige who has a specific vision he already wants fulfilled. It's when they're given the reigns completely that things get a bit bland.

Throw them on another franchise with clear material to adapt, I'm sure they do something memorable again.


Mushroomer t1_is970eb wrote

If you read the article, the entire show is literally a debate between various art historians & culture critics on the morality of destroying works of art like this - before a studio audience votes on if it should be destroyed.

Frankly in an era where 'separating art from artist' is an everyday issue - it seems like a pretty smart way to get people informed on the conversation.