
Musikaravaa t1_j9plf1y wrote

It's not so much a triggering thing, just... surprise I guess. I'd always heard about what a good author King was and then I was reading this drivel. Christine wasn't any better.

A book that I enjoyed that you can do the same with is literally any of them from the "Earth Children" series. The most well known from that would be Clan of the Cavebear. But there are pages and pages of beautiful descriptions about the world around the main protagonist (and a few uh, just straight animal sex scenes. I remember one with a mamoth in particular...) that overall add nothing to the story that you can skip. Fantastic books otherwise.


Musikaravaa t1_j6mlpma wrote

Man, I dont know about that. One minute I'm looking for buttplugs the next minute I'm reading reviews for REARZ ADULT DIAPERS featuring a man who's been fully incontinent on purpose for 15 years now and says they're the most absorbent adult diapers he's ever experienced. Was it the buttplugs? Maybe there are more people in adult diapers than we know.


Musikaravaa t1_j6j3w1s wrote

Yeah, the difference is a luxury food breakfast item and a staple food item that many people relied on to provide needed protein in their diets.


There's not one day in my LIFE I'd have been able to pay 20 dollars for that bagel and not just walk out of the store after saying "sorry, I didn't realize it was going to be 20 bucks to eat once."


Musikaravaa t1_iy5vaec wrote

Oh lord, WHAT a good point. I hadn't even considered that, hahaha.

It's not a "well I" sort of statement, though y'all are reading it that way.

It's more of a "actually girls don't always date like tha,t" and I thinkit'ss delusional to think some little girl serial dating like that is normal. Especially considering her mental health struggles, comes across more like acting out or trying to fix herself by using someone else, but that's me reading WAY too into it.


Musikaravaa t1_iy5uhm8 wrote

The way you present yourself matters. I don't care what some chick with the username "dumbbinch99" thinks on any level, shes's already called herself dumb.

It is my opinion that Taylor Swift sets an inappropriate "okayness" with serial dating and that she's emotionally abusing the men that she has used in this way. It's not the same as Domestic Abuse, at all. I say this as having been a victim of emotional abuse from members of my family, I can say it's degrading and leaves long-lasting emotional scars. When someone hits you, you KNOW it's time to leave.
