MustLoveAllCats t1_jbpz949 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Black couple settles lawsuit claiming their home appraisal was lowballed due to bias by eastbayted
> This is one of those things that actually may not be race based. > > Realtors will tell you that you sometimes get those $&@! Appraisers that will lowball your property regardless of race or anything.
When the numbers show that black and latino-owned homes get lowballed twice as often as white homes, and when the lowball is such an incredibly huge amount, it's pretty safe to say race is probably involved.
Also, it's a pretty safe rule of thumb to never fully trust what a realtor says. They're society's worst people, taking cover behind bad lawyers and politicians.
MustLoveAllCats t1_jbpz2gf wrote
Reply to comment by greenglasstree in Black couple settles lawsuit claiming their home appraisal was lowballed due to bias by eastbayted
Appraisers treat Latinos even worse, strangely enough. The article only mentioned Blacks, Latinos, and Whites though.
MustLoveAllCats t1_jbpyyo7 wrote
Reply to comment by Bitter_Director1231 in Black couple settles lawsuit claiming their home appraisal was lowballed due to bias by eastbayted
According to the article, Latinos take it even worse.
MustLoveAllCats t1_jasniyp wrote
Good. All these stupid joke names that get voted up in public opinion polls are annoying. I get it, you want to have a bit of fun, but a ship or building shouldn't be stuck with that stupid name.
MustLoveAllCats t1_jaj635m wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ransomware attack on US Marshals compromises sensitive information by Neo2199
> I'm surprised intelligence agencies haven't set up false flags to erode our personal rights of freedom and privacy
I'm surprised you believe they haven't.
MustLoveAllCats t1_jae7nz9 wrote
Reply to When I grew up my father used to always play Ratchet & Clank 1-3, when he finished one he would just replay it immediately and probably finished each one 200 times, at least. He is getting older now so to speak and so I got this tattoo in his name today. by SwiftIy2
What do you mean by (my father) is getting older now so to speak?
So to speak is "used to highlight the fact that one is describing something in an unusual or metaphorical way."
Is your father not actually getting older? Is ageing supposed to be unusual?
MustLoveAllCats t1_j8vbw7g wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in “Humiliating”: Denver City Council candidate had to crawl on debate stage due to lack of wheelchair access by Sandstorm400
Or, you know, the much more likely alternative that they wanted to showcase the humiliation so people will be upset.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j8vbro7 wrote
Reply to comment by KaisarDragon in “Humiliating”: Denver City Council candidate had to crawl on debate stage due to lack of wheelchair access by Sandstorm400
Theatre is ADA accessible via back entrance does NOT mean stage is ADA accessible. t can simply mean that ADA accessibility is available for guests.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j8vbnlq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in “Humiliating”: Denver City Council candidate had to crawl on debate stage due to lack of wheelchair access by Sandstorm400
Not in historic buildings, there isn't.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j8vbm8x wrote
Reply to comment by _Silly_Wizard_ in “Humiliating”: Denver City Council candidate had to crawl on debate stage due to lack of wheelchair access by Sandstorm400
No you can't.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j8vbkep wrote
Reply to comment by mooseman1776 in “Humiliating”: Denver City Council candidate had to crawl on debate stage due to lack of wheelchair access by Sandstorm400
Which is why this is newsworthy. Funny how you didn't come to that conclusion.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j8vbhve wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in “Humiliating”: Denver City Council candidate had to crawl on debate stage due to lack of wheelchair access by Sandstorm400
The internet is great, it allows people to confidently post incorrect information like this, without any fear of consequences
MustLoveAllCats t1_j8aka5y wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Knowing we like a song takes only seconds of listening, new psychology research finds by thebelsnickle1991
If there's more to it than sound, it's a video
MustLoveAllCats t1_j8ak2dr wrote
Reply to comment by Rakshear in Knowing we like a song takes only seconds of listening, new psychology research finds by thebelsnickle1991
Why do studies on anything? u/Rakshear knows everything definitely already.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j6oswa4 wrote
Reply to comment by Chrisboi_da_Boi in Man who lost testicle from supervisor's hit awarded $295,000 by wawaboy
Just read the article. Your question is answered within a like... 1-2 minute read.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j6oq075 wrote
Reply to comment by DoubleDigitTicket in Happiness is an essentially nihilistic ideal — it is the best goal to follow when there is nothing else on the table. A meaningful life on the other hand can embrace more of life including struggles and suffering because it is oriented towards a higher ideal by thelivingphilosophy
Except you can be both happy all the time, and not be hedonistic at all, because hedonism is not a requirement of happiness. One can be happy with their state in the world, without making any attempt to change it. Hedonism, on the other hand, requires the pursuit of a specific set of ends.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j6oplur wrote
Reply to comment by coredweller1785 in Happiness is an essentially nihilistic ideal — it is the best goal to follow when there is nothing else on the table. A meaningful life on the other hand can embrace more of life including struggles and suffering because it is oriented towards a higher ideal by thelivingphilosophy
> His goals are for max profit that is all.
That's false and if you read his twitter posts occasionally, you'd see why. Musk regularly puts ego/pride above profits. He wouldn't be losing as much if he wasn't regularly banning or insulting people who disagree with him on twitter or call him out, and he's regularly trying to paint himself as being some sort of saviour.
If his goals were really just for maximizing profits, he'd keep his mouth shut and play in the background.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j481za6 wrote
Reply to comment by garlopf in UAE names its oil company chief to lead U.N. climate talks by KHaskins77
This comment is a joke. Climate change is about way more than just trees.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j481vrj wrote
Reply to comment by Thomas_JCG in UAE names its oil company chief to lead U.N. climate talks by KHaskins77
You say that as if it's a good thing, but honesty isn't even useful in this case. Things would be better if they were dishonest, as at least by pretending to give a shit about the environment, some of their people might then believe it's something worth caring about.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j481nm5 wrote
Reply to comment by MidnightCh1cken in UAE names its oil company chief to lead U.N. climate talks by KHaskins77
I wish I shared your incredibly optimistic view of the future, but based on our current trajectories, there will be no one in a couple hundred years to look back.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j1qvz07 wrote
Reply to comment by Sawdamizer in Hardliner Clerics In Iran Demand More Executions, Amputations by aqua_zesty_man
Our priests and politicians are sexually abusing children? Quick, blame trans people! Too many shootings in schools? Get your guns and shut down children's events.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j1amlri wrote
Reply to comment by Dive30 in Court ruling: High earners can't prevent media accessing their tax data. by FINCoffeeDaddy
You don't have to worry about that in America, they prefer you alive so you can exist as a wageslave for the corporate elite.
MustLoveAllCats t1_j16btqw wrote
Reply to comment by Ringlovo in Court ruling: High earners can't prevent media accessing their tax data. by FINCoffeeDaddy
America is set up that way to facilitate oppression of the working class, nothing more. It's not about privacy, it's about making sure you don't know how hard you're getting the shaft compared to the guy you're working with, the guy you're working for, etc., including the fact that many of them are exploiting the system, leeching off your taxes and not paying their fair share.
The brainwashing is real though, that you believe it's about privacy.
MustLoveAllCats t1_izz1xhn wrote
Reply to comment by UnlawfulStupid in TIL of former Governor's Councilor Herbert Connolly, who in 1988 arrived to the polls too late to cast a ballot for himself and lost by a single vote. by motownmods
> Funnier if you're a police officer
Having to discharge your firearm and take a life isn't funny :(
MustLoveAllCats t1_jbreczd wrote
Reply to comment by Buck_Thorn in Developers who destroyed historic Lancashire pub ordered to rebuild it by Mighty_L_LORT
It's just an old house. I can fully appreciate many historical landmarks, but when it's just an old house like this? Eh. Not sad at all to me.