
MustacheEmperor t1_jdeihpi wrote

Sudowrite takes some getting used to but the tools are extremely powerful.

I actually use Expand much more than Write. Write produces a couple potential outputs that both cost words, but Expand just builds off what you previously wrote, and you can cue it with (). And it's finetuned for the (), so it actually works how you'd reasonably expect. has some good advice, and they do live webinars. I wasn't super impressed at first, but after returning to it and getting some practice with the tools it's blowing me away. I cannot imagine how good it will be when they can connect GPT4 to it.


MustacheEmperor t1_jdeh2n5 wrote

FYI, using both Claude and GPT4 in this manner is violating the ToS of those providers (Anthropic's here).

Not that I have a tear to shed for the authors of those content policies, but it's worth noting that once their no-no detection algorithms are sufficiently improved they may choose to ban users like yourself. I am honestly surprised you aren't banned from GPT already.

NovelAI and Sudowrite are two platforms that expressly permit any content short of CSAM and flagrantly illegal content.


MustacheEmperor t1_jdegs5t wrote

NovelAI's models are finetuned on a wide corpus of content including sexually explicit content, and iirc one of their image models was trained on a website oriented for sexual content. They also support custom finetuning modules that can be trained on just about anything. The NAI models are also available in API form at

Previously/currently their models are all based on open-sourced models and are really showing their obsolescence compared to GPT3.5/4, but they just announced they've acquired some of Nvidia's fancy new AI hardware and are training their own models, about on par with GPT3.5.

Sudowrite is not a chat bot, but it does have a very flexible content policy.


MustacheEmperor t1_jcc5crl wrote

Our CTO and I tried getting it to write some relatively challenging Swift as a benchmark example and it just repeatedly botched it. It would produce something close to working code, but kept insisting on using libraries that didn't have support for what it was trying to do with them, which was also an issue with 3.5.


MustacheEmperor t1_jcc5851 wrote

>Preliminary assessments of GPT-4’s abilities, conducted with no task-specific finetuning, found it ineffective at autonomously replicating, acquiring resources, and avoiding being shut down “in the wild.”

>ARC found that the versions of GPT-4 it evaluated were ineffective at the autonomous replication task based on preliminary experiments they conducted. These experiments were conducted on a model without any additional task-specific fine-tuning, and fine-tuning for task-specific behavior could lead to a difference in performance. As a next step, ARC will need to conduct experiments that (a) involve the final version of the deployed model (b) involve ARC doing its own fine-tuning, before a reliable judgement of the risky emergent capabilities of GPT-4-launch can be made

So, don't start collecting canned food yet.


MustacheEmperor t1_j67191w wrote

I spent a week in the Turks and Caicos once during the summer, which is the off season, and I remember the only drinkable beer available on tap was Foreign Extra.

So when I remember my sweltering tropical Caribbean beach vacation the flavor I associate with that memory is a dark Irish beer.


MustacheEmperor OP t1_j12geto wrote

True, although worth noting that the only justification for the airport’s construction was the expected demand for supersonic intercontinental flights which looked promising at the time but never materialized. It would have been the biggest airport in the world - like six JFKs.

It’s crazy, they were going to pave the Everglades into six JFKs worth of airport!


MustacheEmperor OP t1_j0ddw05 wrote


MustacheEmperor t1_iszia5d wrote

I actually just picked up my first Cornwell book, the first book in the Harlequin series! I'm pretty sure I'll be reading them all now, thanks for the rec.


MustacheEmperor t1_isz7nhp wrote

It's the one I read first, and I picked up the plantagenets after. That sent me on quite a kick, so here's a few others I'd recommend that remind me of Dan Jones' style of telling history:

  • Ian Mortimer's biographies on Edward III and Henry V are great. Edward III's life story sounds like an unbelievable movie and Mortimer really brings the knights of his household to life.
  • The Three Edwards by Thomas Costain is so good I really enjoyed it even after having read an individual biography of each Edward
  • The Norman Conquest by Marc Morris is fantastic and I'd put it on the level with Hollow Crown. I really appreciate how he points out where the Bayeaux Tapestry records the events and does a good job of describing the contemporary sources and their potential biases and how we can interpret from them. His books Castle and A Great and Terrible King, about Edward I, are both also excellent.
  • The Greatest Knight by Thomas Asbridge is the biography of William Marshall and one of my favorites. His life story is unbelievable and as a book it's a good overview of the life and social hierarchy of a medieval knighthood as well as the courts of the many kings he served under. It'll add more to what you already know about that time in history.

Anyway, Dan Jones turned me into a medieval history nerd so there's my bibliography for ya. If you have any recommendations I'd love to hear em! I would really like to find some good books about the French side of the Hundred Years' War.


MustacheEmperor t1_isvqfwl wrote

Fantastic book! His book The Hollow Crown, about the war of the roses, is also excellent and similarly filled with unbelievable exploits from history retold very well.

Netflix has a show about castles hosted by him right now that’s great too.