
MyEmailAccount t1_jcafxyo wrote

Being happy all the time isn't realistic. The world is a harsh fucking place and were all looking for ways to cope.

I had to get pissed at myself and accept my own responsibility before I was ready to do anything about it, maybe a little anger and frustration has a useful function. I could blame my parents and anyone else who failed me along the way, but shit that was then, It was me whos been perpetuating that failure for the last two decades wallowing in my own misery and content because my crutch made me feel better when I needed it which was daily, or even hourly. (I was a stoner)

Accepting yourself is an important thing, but you don't have to accept everything about yourself the way you are right now, in fact that's gonna keep you hitting the bong, going to the bar, binge eating, or whatever crutch your leaning on. If you are angry, GOOD, use it, use it change your habits, you might just find yourself in the process. Good luck!