
MyFianceMadeMeJoin t1_j9fa1og wrote

None of the towns you’re looking at are walkable urban areas. They’re suburban with charming downtowns areas that have limited housing in the commercial sections of town. With that said, they’re all easy commutes it Hartford, safe, at least present as being against racism (these are wealthier predominantly white towns so the reality and the impression don’t align perfectly), and convenient places to live. Hartford is also much safer than it sounds like you’ve concluded. It’s not without its problems, but it’s safer than many of the other major cities in the state and certainly safer than other capital cities in the country. You can safely walk around downtown anytime and even the more crime dense areas during the day without an issue.


MyFianceMadeMeJoin t1_j9f20yr wrote

I see so many people explaining how solar helped them in January, if I generated 15 kW a day in January that was a great day. Things are already starting to turn around and production is moving towards enough to cover a whole days worth of consumption but man, November to January are sad production months for me.


MyFianceMadeMeJoin t1_j149xh0 wrote

Meetings aren’t a monolith; they’re all constructed of the people that make them up. While they all share the common goal of helping people quit you’ll find some groups you will or won’t mesh well with. If you find you love that’s great, but keep exploring and find other perspectives too. If you find one you hate, don’t give up and try a different meeting. Best of luck to you and consider asking your doctor about disulfiram, acamprosate, or naltrexone. Medication for alcohol use disorder can and does work when used correctly.