
MyFireBow t1_iu07z33 wrote

It was that time again. A horde was passing by and somehow found the camp. This time however, the survivors were low on ammo, and most of them were injured after a supply run gone wrong. They were ready to go down swinging, as humans tend to do. "An admirable quality, their willingness to face impossible odds." said a cloaked figure on the edge of the nearby woods watching the horde shamble closer.

"Impossible odds for them maybe, they really are so frail its hard to believe they ever pushed us to obscurity" whispered a tall woman, her cold eyes glowing in the darkness. "And now here we are about to save them for our own survival... ironic" she continued, unholstering her scythe in a practiced motion, as his partner readied his axes.

They shared only the slightest look before rushing into the horde, two grey blurs carving a path of destruction in their wake. It took 5 minutes, and the horde was all but wiped out, the few that managed to crawl past them got gunned down by the human guards, who cheered once no undead were left standing. Well, except the vampires of course, who began a leisurely walk towards the castle, slowly cleaning as much of the undead gore as they could.

Thats when the survivors got a good look at them, seeing their light gray skin and cold glowing eyes. In other circumstances they would be scared but in this case they were just happy to be alive.

"Greetings oh so fragile mortals" the woman said, smiling at them showing her fangs. "Cut the theatrics Liz, you know time is short! We come to you offering a deal between your people and mine." the hooded one spoke up, staring hungrily at one of the guards, who after a moment of silence responded "What kind of deal? And who even are you, I thought we were the only colony left in this region" only to be met with laughter. "Do you really not recognize our kind mortal, have you truly forgotten you pitiful souls?" asked Liz, with a mix of amusement and offense.

Clearly agitated, the other vampire interrupted her "There will be time for questions later, for now know that we offer protection, whatever supplies you desire and a much more defensible position in exchange for some of your blood, so we don't starve. You've seen what we can do, think on our offer, we'll return tomorrow at midnight"