
Myske1 t1_ivl3kbr wrote

All the judges here where I live in Brooklyn were unopposed, and there's no primary for them. They either ran just as Dems or as both Dems and Reps. They were all pretty clearly chosen by the party machine.

It's fucking absurd. Either there should be primaries for them, or the mayor should appoint them with the consent of the city council. Judges should not be appointed by unelected party bosses.


Myske1 t1_iv5cggy wrote

There’s limited space in the city. I’m not sure how many more designated places there can be, at least in the parts of the city I spend time in. Over the last decade, there was a huge growth in the number of dog runs and off leash areas. Who do we take more space from? Kids? Adults playing sports? Designated wildlife areas? Cemeteries? Community gardens?

At some point, there may need to an acknowledgment of reality among dog owners - if they want lots of room for their pets to roam, a densely populated city might not be the place for them. People move to the burbs for schools and yards for their kids all the time.


Myske1 t1_iv589u3 wrote

Dog owners around the city have gotten out of hand over the last couple years. They take up all sorts of spaces they shouldn’t, disrespect off leash/on leash hours, and leave large amounts of poop and pee in children’s play areas. It’s way worse than it was pre-covid.