
MysteryOil OP t1_j6p87gk wrote

Thank you. I've been battling with the wood stove all winter. It's in the basement, and the previous owners drywalled the ceiling. So that, in addition to it being (it turns out) a very tightly sealed log cabin, has been a huge headache. 100 degrees in the basement. 60 degrees in the room above it, with a register in the floor directly above the wood stove and the basement door open and 2 other registers in the room expected to work as return registers (spoiler: they don't). I've recently resorted to (at my neighbor's suggestion) cracking a window in the basement, and one on the top floor, and sucking the air through. This has worked for the last week. Not sure how this will play out in the coming days, but gaining various measures of optimism from other points brought up in this thread. Thank you again.


MysteryOil OP t1_j6p3vh4 wrote

Thank you so much. I'll absolutely open and check related under the sinks throughout. I really appreciate it. I have (had) no awareness of considerations for either septic or well (pump) functionality, so that is a load of anxiety off my mind. Thank you again.


MysteryOil OP t1_j6p31hc wrote

Exactly. Thank you. I have plenty of painfully justifiable PTSD from Texas re: flooding (from any heavy rain), hurricanes, and colder-than-usual weather. So I'm generally just expecting frozen zombies and polar bears to attack me on Friday night, and no one will hear my screams. And yes. Big(gest) anxiety is absolutely around not knowing how the house works in these temps, and whether or not it will explode or-- whatever the opposite of exploding is.