
MysticRanger508 t1_j72o3kx wrote

Who knows those idiots probably won’t even know aboit it! They don’t like to do real research! They say the mRNA vax genetically modifies you, yet it is not true genetic modification. I am genetically modified and it was done by my cells being removed from my body via aphresis and sent to a specialized lab of whic there are 1-2 in the country, and each was individually genetically altered before being put back in my body. This melted my terminal stage IV cancer in four major organs away in a week. You don’t see them crying about CarT cell therapy though which is real genetic modification. They don’t even knkw about it and likely won’t know or care what the cancer conmunity is doing. They just like to find things that suit their need for complaint! They probably wouldn’t want to lokk bad for trying to take treatment away from cancer patients if they did hear of it, so it wouldn’t serve their interest to cry about it. They’ll probably ignore this life saving texhnology and continue to freak about the covid vax.