N3KIO t1_j4xegt9 wrote

you can 3d print anything, SpaceX rockets are being 3D printed in parts, the problem with houses is the material used in 3d printing in heavy.

the solution is to make a material that is strong but light and cheap to make, a material that can withstand a earthquake or a hurricane, when that problem gets solved, you will see skyscrapers being build by robots.


N3KIO t1_j4wmzs4 wrote

its a script, he didn't do that himself

still very impressive it can do that.

modern houses/buildings probably in future will be 3D printed, with walls, roof and everything, there will be no human factor.

It wont be a reality for maybe 100 years, they need to solve a lot of things for that to happen.

Its a cool robot sure, but its not taking anyone's job for a long long time.


N3KIO t1_iypkpx3 wrote

Its not the actual explosion that kills, sure its bad, but not as bad like nuclear fallout.

A nuclear cloud that gets distributed by wind into the atmosphere over a very large area of the planet, polluting and killing everything in its path.

Basically its very bad for everyone, no matter who fires it.

If a nuke gets fired, the other side has no choice and fire theirs.

There is no winners in that kind of war, its basically a game over scenario.


N3KIO t1_iux8r7y wrote

This technology is very expansive, it costs 2x to use 3D printing over normal contraction.

Not only that, you still need to do inside and outside, roof, and everything else, all this dose is just builds walls out of concrete.