N8CCRG t1_je7iecc wrote

Yup. Concealed carry was recognized as something only criminals would do. It wasn't until the 1970s/80s when the NRA saw gun sales lagging that they made a push to try to promote the legalization of concealed carry (while simultaneously pushing stories of "you and your families are in danger of random acts of violence from those people, you need to 'protect' yourself!").


N8CCRG t1_je7gl29 wrote

The challenge is that in order to get 30 billion times more massive than the sun requires a whole lot more than "a few". It requires tens of thousands to millions of mergers of already supersized black holes. I doubt anyone would say impossible, but it's definitely worth considering other explanations as well.


N8CCRG t1_jda2ojx wrote

I can't speak for Washington's no-contact order, but restraining orders often aren't about "you aren't allowed to do X" they are "if anyone calls the police and reports that you are doing X, then the police will show up and have the legal authority to arrest you on the spot, no conversation or discussion necessary."

Of course, this comes down to how willing or unwilling the police are to enforce these laws, and that will vary widely from place to place, but that's true about every law.


N8CCRG t1_jd7ksdb wrote

The original ABC article has more details.

>Prosecutors in the special counsel's office have presented compelling preliminary evidence that former President Donald Trump knowingly and deliberately misled his own attorneys about his retention of classified materials after leaving office, a former top federal judge wrote Friday in a sealed filing, according to sources who described its contents to ABC News.

>U.S. Judge Beryl Howell, who on Friday stepped down as the D.C. district court's chief judge, wrote last week that prosecutors in special counsel Jack Smith's office had made a "prima facie showing that the former president had committed criminal violations," according to the sources, and that attorney-client privileges invoked by two of his lawyers could therefore be pierced.

>In her sealed filing, Howell ordered that Evan Corcoran, an attorney for Trump, should comply with a grand jury subpoena for testimony on six separate lines of inquiry over which he had previously asserted attorney-client privilege.

>Sources added that Howell also ordered Corcoran to hand over a number of records tied to what Howell described as Trump's alleged "criminal scheme," echoing prosecutors. Those records include handwritten notes, invoices, and transcriptions of personal audio recordings.

I have a feeling people are going to be unearthing revelations about Trump's corruption and crimes for decades after he's gone.


N8CCRG t1_jbewbn0 wrote

>announced Wednesday, ahead of the expected release of about 20 more hours of footage from Nichols’ January encounter with police.

I cannot imagine having to watch 20 more hours of footage. The portions from the first round of footage were so unbelievably hard to watch by themselves. And so completely damning.


N8CCRG t1_jb1umdu wrote


N8CCRG t1_jb1tft3 wrote

Yeah, that immediately caught my eye as well. Looking at the paper those appear to be separate, unrelated ideas, that look related when placed together in the title (which comes from the abstract, so no blame on OP there). The paper is merely tracking all of the different types of travel and breaking that data down all sorts of different ways. These two statements come from the Conclusion section:

>For the whole U.S., the share of automobile travel dropped from 86.4 % in 2001 to 83.6 % in 2009 and further to 82.6 % in 2017.

And then later:

>In addition, we also see an increase in the share of taxicabs, which rose from 0.1 % in 2001 to 0.2 % in 2009 and 0.6 % in 2017.

So, it appears like it's not just a case of people switching from private automobile to taxicab.


N8CCRG t1_j9klsml wrote

Interesting. He challenged the sentencing in 2003 based on a 1994 Supreme Court ruling (basically his lawyer wanted the jury to know that if they chose a life sentence it was without parole, but the court wouldn't let the lawyer tell the jury that), but the Arizona Supreme Court claimed the Supreme Court ruling didn't apply in Arizona. In 2016 the Supreme Court ruled on a different case that it does apply in Arizona, so he challenged again, but this time the Arizona Supreme Court said he wasn't allowed to appeal because the Supreme Court ruling wasn't a "significant change in the law". Supreme Court says Arizona is wrong, he is actually allowed to appeal.


N8CCRG t1_j5wkfiu wrote

I'm guessing the people confused by the headline aren't familiar with the history of this controversy.

Anyway, I recommend everyone watch the Netflix documentary about this called Downfall. The execs responsible for those deaths should be in prison, and instead they were given billion dollar bonuses because they tricked the investors and the stocks went up.

Edit: Typing skills


N8CCRG t1_j5gvz7i wrote

There was a huge whistleblower report that had them under serious investigation. The whistleblower claimed they not only didn't fix the things they were told they had to fix, but celebrated tricking the follow up inspectors into thinking that they had, and then using the money they saved on stock buybacks to line their pockets.


N8CCRG t1_j51xvaw wrote

Almost exactly a year ago too. In case anyone thinks you're exaggerating:

>ALLEN: The Florida Legislature is now considering a bill proposed by the governor that would prohibit educational lessons or training that cause people to feel, quote, "discomfort, guilt or anguish on account of their race." It doesn't name white people, but DeSantis says it will make sure no race is scapegoated in lessons or training influenced by critical race theory.


N8CCRG t1_j4bc1t5 wrote

>The lawsuit says Robertson asked the student what she preferred to be called and whether she would like to be referred to by male pronouns. According to the lawsuit, the student felt pressured and responded with a yes.

This parent is actually claiming the school "transitioned" their child against the child's own wishes? I'm really tired of these insane takes being given serious attention. This person should be shunned from society for believing such a thing. Lemme guess, they also believe that schools are putting litterboxes into the bathrooms.


N8CCRG t1_j3smwhl wrote

They weren't forced, but they were lied to about where they were going. Many of them were trying to get to places where they had friends or family all over the country, some even just other parts of Texas, and they were told the bus would take them there, but then the bus took them to New York and DC.