
NFTOxaile t1_iyayxv1 wrote

Reply to comment by my2dumbledores in Just EQ in resolution. by TheFrator

Pay $20 for an iem.

Get jealous of people who have several thousand $ gear.

"if i EQ my $20 iem to match the fr of a $2000 iem it'll sound the same right?"

Act superior because you "weren't fooled into buying snakeoil".


NFTOxaile t1_iy54hqg wrote

Reply to comment by ThelceWarrior in Just EQ in resolution. by TheFrator

>IEMs EQed to that target you will still get much better technicalities

No they don't. You perceive the sound as if it was better due to the tuning being more to your liking, but the technicalities are exactly the same as before.


NFTOxaile t1_iy4yrst wrote

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

...Except that this technology isn't very advanced and most people aside from op seem to understand it.


NFTOxaile t1_iy422ip wrote

Reply to comment by c0ng0pr0 in Just EQ in resolution. by TheFrator

Technicalities are acoustic properties that aren't related to subjective aspects such as tuning or timbre. Technicalities cover areas such as soundstage, resolving ability and attack/decay.


NFTOxaile t1_itoxsfg wrote

Yep. That's pretty high compared to what others have mentioned but for me they're the cheapest i'd happily daily. The cheapest iems i've heard are the BL-03 and Mele from which the BL-03 severely lacked detail and had flaws in the tuning, the Mele had pretty good tuning but the details were also severely lacking. Sure they're worth their prices but they're still not exactly something i'd call enjoyable.