
NNovis t1_jd5mtbl wrote

There is some good answers here but something I'm not seeing is that, frankly, you're not studying the statistical likelihood of deformities in a population. You're seeing pictures or news articles or social media posts and social media has a bias for trying to get the most clicks through outrage or shock or awe or sex, whatever. So how you came to see those instances aren't representative of what's happening in reality.


NNovis t1_j53felo wrote

Cancer is going to be whatever color tissue it originated from. Liver cancer is probably going to be the color of a liver. Brain cancer, brain color, etc etc. Cancer is just cells in tissue that are growing out of control and taking extra resources from the body to sustain itself, that's all. They're practically normal cells otherwise.


NNovis t1_ixjpngn wrote

So, I think the real answer is we don't know. There going to be a lot of guesses based on SOME evidence, but there is never going to be anything conclusive because we can't really go back and time and observe the moment when humans first started to make and enjoy music.

Obviously, music can be enjoyed by more than just humans, so maybe the question shouldn't be "why humans" but more like "where did the love of music first start?" and maybe we have a common ancestor with other animals that explains that love.