NOCHNOY_ t1_jdq16pi wrote

Reply to comment by Aijames in Keeb size popularity here by The_Akkik

good on you. but i've seen people who say there's always that one instance where they could really use that numpad for inputting numbers for some gov doc or spreadsheet that they had to fill in, since the number row is such a painful experience.


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdq0z7u wrote

Reply to comment by HadouKang in Keeb size popularity here by The_Akkik

the word 'efficiency' was mentioned. successful people focus heavily on efficiency and streamlining. i don't see how that tiny, tiny change in desk space and "improved ergonomics" somehow makes you a better worker in the grand scheme of things. because if it did, corporations and companies would be the first to implement that system into their workspace. it doesn't happen. but if it makes you feel that it does, then good on you.

i've been in this hobby for a while, and people seem to have such a hard time admitting that a lot of this hobby revolves around pretentiousness and aesthetics. nothing wrong with it, but they try to push this narrative that it's somehow "better" and then go on to buy a numpad keyboard on the side. if your workflow doesn't rely on using numpads, then good for you.


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdn5d7q wrote

Reply to comment by jk_pens in Keeb size popularity here by The_Akkik

right.. efficiency. that's why the most successful people use 65% keyboards... no wait. they don't. 65 percenters are a tiny, tiny minority of keyboard users. it's not even worth mentioning the number compared to the gen pub.
but good for you.


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdn4xew wrote

Reply to comment by stonewow1 in Keeb size popularity here by The_Akkik

imo having your thumb pinned down to type is such a constricting and uncomfortable feeling. i want my hands to be floating free while i jot down numbers. i don't want to be pressing down a layer key every time i input numbers. it's liberating to type on a numpad compared to a layered numpad.


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdn470d wrote

people who use 75 and under are very, very few people in the niche hobby that is mechanical keyboards. if you think you can compromise 20+ keys for aesthetics and keep your productivity and workflow the same, test out with 80-75% keyboards first.
and for the most popular, i'd say it's the 75.


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdn3hmh wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Keeb size popularity here by The_Akkik

layering is inconvenient compared to a readily accessible numpad right on the side. shedding percentage is mostly for aesthetic reasons. you either need two hands, or have to be holding down a layer trigger key.