
NaggeringU t1_je5mkx1 wrote

Austerity is necessary. Get back to consistency, then we can talk improvement.


  1. Lobby the state to remove the price caps on MBTA
  2. Increase subway price to $150
  3. Decrease frequency of all lines during rush hour to once a half hour
  4. Use increased revenue and decreased expenses to fully audit (really this time) and repair tracks on all lines
  5. Remove slow zones on all lines
  6. Increase speed to precovid 25mph+ speeds
  7. Once above four have been done successfully begin to increase rush hour frequency back to pre-covid.
  8. Stop any expansions of any line on the MBTA until the debt is completely paid off. Lobby the state to refinance the debt to make it more manageable, if necessary.

If by some miracle the state gives any meaningfully high amount of money to the MBTA it should be used to pay off the debt. IMHO state money should be used to pay off the debt, so in the future, revenue can be used to expand the MBTA as exposed to running in place.

Of course, no one wants to pay more for less, so ...


NaggeringU t1_j1fx1r5 wrote

cars generally cannot be towed while someone is occupying the vehicle. so I'd generally interpret your question to be where can you park without being fined or for free. answer to that is most store lots during closed hours that do not explicitly say they will tow or fine you (which are many, such as the Walmart in Quincy).


NaggeringU t1_j1fwoka wrote

since you've already purchased the condo, gain influence in the HOA and change the rule. otherwise, buy a regular washing machine and a ventless dryer. post the bylaws verbatim on this part, I'm curious. I've seen these sort of things before and usually the issue is with the dryer. either gas lines are hard to hook up or putting in the 30amp cord needed is too much of a burden.