
NamisteHome t1_iy7gofy wrote

>Not to mention it's ripped off the Matrix, Truman Show, Control, Danganronpa, Soma, Remember 11, the Nonary games, pretty much any loop story to cobble together this psuedo-philosophical monstrosity. As well as the super tired cliche of the whole thing being a result of a character who can't deal with loss.

A more concise way to reword this paragraph would be: "This is Silent Hill at Sea."


NamisteHome t1_iy2ym84 wrote

I loved this show! My favorite part was when they had literal actual >!Richard Kind!< in that one episode about >!the devil's bastards.!< He was one of the better supporting stars of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

When the devil unzipped himself in the first episode I was so disappointed that his "real form" didn't turn out to be just an animated Danny DeVito. Look, we all know what body that voice belongs to, you can't fool me with that bitmoji avatar. Just draw him how he actually looks and I'll be content.

Can't wait for season 2.


NamisteHome t1_ixn8zyp wrote

Agreed. I used to be a HUGE weather nerd as a kid, and remember seeing how Al Roker looked in the 80s when he promo'd with Willard Scott. It had such an impact on me in first grade that to this day, at age 44, I am laser-focused on maintaining my blood sugar and cholesterol in order to keep any danger of adult-onset diabetes well at bay, since I am genetically predisposed to it. I am not exaggerating when I say that I can thank Al Roker for motivating me to counteract any snack attacks with push-ups or a decent walk with my dog around the neighborhood. I hope he gets better soon.


NamisteHome t1_ixjcw4e wrote

I knew a guy who had a cigarette buddy that would just sit there silently, mouth agape and jiggling his leg fit to shake the house because he's a fucking tweaker. But he'd been trained to be quiet and compliant because that meant his friend would continue to give him free cigarettes, junk food, and drugs just to exist and listen to him blame everyone else for his problems.

Sounds like Jaime is that kind of person.


NamisteHome t1_ixjcjmn wrote

I'm glad you enjoyed this show! I've rewatched it three times; the last two times, I stopped right when >!Kareem Said gets killed!< because the show objectively went downhill and started to suck petrified old dried dogshit from that point on.


NamisteHome t1_ix9yi62 wrote

This is by far the tamest Eli Roth property I've ever seen. I've seen it, but I can't even begin to recall a single solitary character or plot point. Say what you will about him as a person, but when he DID apply himself, he could pull off some pretty gnarly practical effects. Aftershock is probably his best work (probably because I love what happens to the dude wearing the reddit shirt) and I'd love to see what he could do with a series about people thrust in the midst of disasters. Sadly, the closest I've got right now to scratch that particular itch is Black Summer.


NamisteHome t1_itg5d03 wrote

To be fair, you COULD finish the 2017 Return season. I feel that the ending reveal of >!Carrie Page and her subsequent spooky road trip!< opens up an "ouroboros"-style ending where you can just keep going back to the beginning and it'd still carry the proper momentum of a good story.

Then since there are callbacks to it in the last couple of episodes, you could hunt down the 3.5hr Q2 fanedit of Fire Walk With Me and watch that. It also serves as the prologue to the 90s original series.

For some reason I feel that the light-hearted meandering spirit of S2's back half would be a breath-taking palette cleanser after frontloading your TP experience with the more intense dramatic turns of The Return and the movie. I'm interested to see how that works out.

TL;DR: The Return, Q2 FWWM, S1, S2.


NamisteHome t1_iswrcbz wrote

Funny thing is I enjoyed Midnight Club a lot more. If I had to tell my short-term memory to bring up the most memorable scene from the three shows, it's Ruth Codd as Anya. This is not a good thing considering that Naomi Watts, Bobby Carnavale, Richard Kind, and Character Actress Margo Martindale's combined star powers should have made The Watcher at best a mildly tolerable experience, but I honestly sincerely couldn't recall a single solitary frame from that show. Already forgotten Dahmer completely as I'm not about to let Murphy's manipulative persuasive boo-hooing ingratiate me to creepy loners. If a show full of dying kids telling creepy stories is objectively the most sincere one out of the bunch but still gets beaten in viewership ratings by shows about trashy shitty people, then it only serves to reinforce that only trashy shitty people would subscribe to a platform where Hemlock Grove is removed while Cuties remains. You can probably infer that I don't pay for Netflix.

Only reason I hadn't checked out Exception yet is because another current sci-fi show is struggling to keep me hooked after the first episode. Pantheon has a good concept, but the characters are so pissy and miserable that I had to chase the first episode with 30 Rock to restore my emotional equilibrium. But I'll power through if only to have an informed opinion.