
Naraka91 t1_isluvii wrote

I currently live in a building owned by 6thboro. I've lived here since before they bought my building and don't have a renovated spot. The roach problem is real, but they send an exterminator to come once a month to spray pesticide. They don't get back to you about issues unless you make it sound dire, and they only hire one super-per like, 5 or 6 buildings, so the hallways can remain quite gross for a while, unless they're actively trying to rent an apartment, which is really the only time they send anyone in to make sure it's clean.

If they need to do any water maintenance they dont reach out at all or send an email warning which days the water will be shut off, it's just off with no time frame of how long you'll be without plumbing, but they tell ypu when their office will be closed for holidays.