
NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j22t0yh wrote

the REAL reality is you can't read. apparently, me condemning chris brown and saying how much he fucked up with how he handled the rihanna situation is me defending him. that is some amazing logic. me explaining the lost details about the situation that were never brought up much and especially in 2009 has you up in ur feelings. keep blindly stroking your hate boner for chris brown tho. idgaf. p.s. its best to properly convey your point without being racial. just cuz chris is a black man doesn't make him a thug.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1y5gp4 wrote

yeah cuz me condeming chris brown in the original post and saying he was wrong for what he did here aswell and mentioning all the lost details about in translation about this situation is apparently somehow in ur delusional mind, me defending him. putting words in my mouth only makes you look even more of an idiot.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1xm7y3 wrote

im talking about how the hate is so forced and over the top. i say this because the media and these fans like mia khalifa for eg dont give a fuck about domestic violence or rihanna. it was more about hate chris brown kind of train thats kept going since 2009. i think he already got his redemption when he made things right with rihanna and her family once the restraining order expired. for the public, i dont thin he'll ever achieve that because the rihanna incident just seems to stick wiith him regardless how much he's changed.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1xl1t6 wrote

i aint defending shit when i legit condemed chris for what he did in 2009? you would know that if you could actually read. plus buddy it doesnt take a genius to see the police report is inaccurate if you actually did your research and saw how rihanna and her lawyers explained the incident aswell later on chris in 2017. do you not understand that police reports can be naturally inacurrate because the authorties are human after all and aren't perfect in their investigation of a situation where no-one would a billion percent know what fully happened..


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1xki0m wrote

since that incident, chris brown has been a polarizing figure. i agree. very impulsive and the way he handles situations in a terrible manner. Chris grew to be quite toxic imo as the years passed from the drugs and mental health problems.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1xk6zy wrote

its not a might. trust i can remember back in 2009 and how badly chris was getting blackballed. it was pretty career ending and im still surprised that chris managed to still make a comeback. again im not invalidating any of his punishments. chris pled guilty so he deserves the consequences. simple. that aint the argument tho. im not saying anyone should go softer on him. im saying the hate is so forced and over the top at this point. eg. mia khalifa.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1wvnag wrote

Yes? i'm not arguing what he did to rihanna lol. thats not the point. buddy the documentary where he opened about the rihanna case was something approved by rihanna herself and her legal team. it's not biased lol. chris brown doesn't need a marketing strategy. heartbreak on a full moon did amazing numbers for chris even before the documentary. chris never actually talked about the rihanna case before this. bruh not much was ever revealed about the rihanna case back in 2009 other than rihanna talking about it. but the point is the media and hate majority never gave a shit about domestic violence or rihanna. it was mainly just a hate train for chris cuz the likes of jay z and charlie sheen never got a fraction of the backlash chris got when they arguably done worse.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1wuxsc wrote

i defo believe he deserved to be punished for that moment of madness and not being the man in the situation and defusing the situation. but nah. only thing revealed about this case other than rihanna talking about it.