
NecessaryLab t1_izadle5 wrote

it's typical of modern thought to suggest that our thinking has an irrational basis (freud and marx are the two big ones). But what about THAT thought? But anyway, what this does is simply look at motives rather than what is said. WHY did he say it- not what did he say- is he correct etc. This means you just diagnose your opponent- instead of arguing with him. Meanwhile only those that understand this can have a legitimate voice...

Anyway, more speicifically he says (paraphrasing), there was a booming period for democracies but now a certain distrust has come in (why?) now people go for trump bolsonaro, they are drawn [irreovcably, emotionally) toward the strong man to solve their problems.

I shall translate: western govt gave power to their people (aren't they nice?) but people are perverse and are throwing it away

If you believe this version of events...


NecessaryLab t1_iz9z9a2 wrote

No. As far as western power is concerned it gets a complete pass. The people of the west are no doubt lacking all motivation, in no small part becasue "philosphers" like this guy sell them irrationality/and there's nothing you can do about it nonsense like this. The western elite are not irrational though and are as cold-blooded about reality and their interest in it as any of the (all too typical) bogey-men mentioned in the article. A de-motivated and lost populace that thinks for example that a part fo their own brain is guiding them and there is nothing they can do about it, coincidently suits their purpose: no eyes on them (or reality). You may talk- but never about anything important!


NecessaryLab t1_iz939ck wrote

very soft and cuddly. Does not question "western power" or anything else really. Just the sort of "philosopher" that might get promoted: ie toothless, questions nothing important, reinforces all the banal pressuppositions of our rotten society.
The breakdown in trust is real and merited- and so it is time to question again everything and build properly. But vested interests are more interested in pushing this sort of muddleheadedness
