
NecessaryPen7 t1_iy9fm7z wrote

Huh? There's nothing I said to remotely suggest that.

You need help, if you think it affects me what internet strangers 'think' about me as a person.

You criticize people who clean themselves with soap and water. While you walk around with poop butt.


NecessaryPen7 t1_iy6d4p1 wrote

Notice you're the only one liking your comments? And others are liking mine? You're unhinged.

You STILL haven't answered the question, 6 or more times now. Do you shower after #2?

I have absolutely no idea why you would assume someone doesn't wash their ass asking this question.

Answer the question, simp.


NecessaryPen7 t1_iy1sbaw wrote

You want me to answer a hypothetical from you after you've refused to answer a single one I've asked 5 times now.

It's pretty fn obvious you don't shower after #2. You're ok with feces just hanging out all day. While saying people who clean themselves with soap and water are gross.

You're a lunatic on here.


NecessaryPen7 t1_iy14y0k wrote

Comments haven't been showing on my end frequently for some reason, weird.

You're being really, really, really dumb. Water and soap is the same thing regardless of where you use it. As I asked, and you ignored, do you shower immediately after every #2?

I'm not sure why you think someone cleaning themselves is embarrassing, that's seriously Fd up.

More fd up is your ignorance on mental health.