
NecroJoe t1_jdh3pkh wrote

I used to use a rack every time, but in my oven, it takes nearly twice as long, and you have to pay much more attention to flipping and rotating individual strips around the pan to get it all even. Straight on parchment, I think I switched around a couple of pieces once, and got great results.


NecroJoe t1_iycaaim wrote

I could be wrong, but I *think* it's not as bad as C02, but it is by far the biggest contribution to greenhouse effect simply because there's so much more than anything else by orders of magnitude.


NecroJoe t1_iybqjsj wrote

I don't remember, honestly. Most of the ones I can think of were weekday morning cartoons.

The closest thing I can remember: when my dad would take my brother and I up to northern wisconsin and we'd borrow a family-friend's small cabin for the weekend (no indoor bathroom, no running water, no electricity...but there was an outhouse, a manual hand water pump down by the lake, and central "gas" for lighting, a heater and the stove), there was a radio station that would simulcast the CBS TV station's audio, and we'd listen to Alvin and the Chipmunks on Saturday or Sunday.


NecroJoe t1_ix1frtt wrote

>The CGPM committee should be more proactive and come to an agreement to detonate the Moon that would cease affecting the Earth's rotation, thus solving the problem.

Look out moon,

America's gonna getcha.

You're gonna go kaboom,

T'was nice to have met'chya,

'Cuz you don't mess around...with God's America!


NecroJoe t1_iubl7gp wrote

Reply to comment by phthophth in DIY piranha plant costume by LJboogie_

I never gave that version a fair shot, because when I was much younger, I bought it on VHS because the cover said Jack Nicholson was in it. He got top-billing. I got a short time into it, and either he wasn't in it yet, or played a mostly bit part, and I lost my patience with it. Seems like I need to give it another shot with my more more open mind, and with realistic expectations.