
NecromancerKnight t1_j22zsb5 wrote

The artifact supposedly the medallion of an ancient evil long forgotten to time. Well was forgotten to time. Recently in Egypt archaeologists found a medallion engraved with runes strange runes. The runes were not Egyptian no defiantly not. The medallion itself is made of dyed silver in a rounded shape. In the center a sapphire shaped to look like an eye with an emerald in the center of the sapphire. It was bizarre very bizarre no artifact like this was found before it. These are the questions archeologists had however a girl by the name of Saler Griffin knew what it was. Her father obtained a similar medallion it could be the same one. He turned into a werewolf the next day and killed her mother. Now he roams the woods of the world doing whatever the medallion commands. She was only 19 but she knew what she was doing she had researched it immensely from her fathers notes. Her father was what one would call a conspiracy theorist someone most thought ether incompetent an idiot or both. But secretly her father was a genius all of his notes all of his writings were correct but now to the present we’re getting sidetracked. She approached the medallion which was currently in a display case in the on-site museum. She said to it “I know what you are I will be your vessel however I have a request.” The medallion spike telepathically to her and stated “And what is your request I can likely grant it.” She replied “Bring my father back from his monstrous state bring him back he was the only thing tethering me to the earth.” The medallion stated “Very well your wish is granted” the medallion hummed with power it glowing red and green until eventually it stoped. She sensed it had done her request. “Now you will be my vessel correct.” The medallion asked the girl answered. “Yes I will.” She opened the display case and touched the medallion instantly upon doing so the on-site alarms blared and security guards came rushing over. But they were to late something had happened. Her eyes had turned red and she was clutching the medallion wearing it like a necklace. Her teeth had grown long and her form looked wrong. Blood was spilt bone ripped from flesh. That’s when she came to you all twisted and torn her body mutated beyond recognition. Her teeth shimmering with blood her eyes pulsing. She asked “Well now friend there’s nothing to be afraid of nothing to be afraid of.” She then approached you hungrily as screams echoed throughout the halls.