
NeonEonIon t1_iu8whh4 wrote

Reply to comment by Symp07 in Dunu SA6 Ultra regular release by Symp07

I agree with the physical stuff but tuning is something else. Granted i don't know anything about collabs. But zeos is currently being paid via a royalty model. I don't think they would be able to sell the same tuning without compensating him somehow unless it is a one and done deal and zeos has no problems with it or the contracts allow it or something.


NeonEonIon t1_iu8stlk wrote

Reply to Hello! by slawson12

If all your pairs have the same issue it is either in your head or your source has a issue or is damaging the headphones in the same way. Planars usually have lower distortion than dd. So i doubt you are able to pick up them in normal listening which is already kind of impossible with dds.


NeonEonIon t1_iu8sa51 wrote

I don't think it would work like that. Zeos tuned it and he is being compensated with 60$ per piece. I mean i guess it could work if they come to a new agreement.

A lot of us stuff was chosen by zeos in the final package for example he mentioned the graphic design of the box was done by one of his subscribers, He wanted dekoni tips in the box, which it came with.

So dunu would have to revamp a lot of things if doing it with dropped x Z reviews tags.

So I am guessing they would simply make new batches.


NeonEonIon t1_itfbx08 wrote

If you have selected something to eq to, the sound changes. Otherwise i am pretty sure it is placebo of the sound cutting off and distorting when turning it on that gives the illusion of change.


NeonEonIon t1_itaxonw wrote

I don't know op, you claim differences between copper and silver cables as well as differences when using different sources and you really love the 8xx. You are well within your right to believe these, but why are you then in a highly objective oriented community like crin's?


NeonEonIon t1_itakry9 wrote

Seems like that is the case, Rohsa the person who created the equaliser tool in crinacle's website and those in has quit the server due to toxicity and power tripping mods.

That being the case Op is the kind of person who believes in sound differences btw silver and copper cables and source memes as well as really pushing the 8xx so he kinda is a contrarion that may get on people's nerves, especially in a really objective oriented community like crin's discord, also only op's side is represented in these screenshots so i would give the crin community the benefit of the doubt in this specific instance.


NeonEonIon t1_isezp2v wrote

You have been used to the sound signature of the 555s for a decade as you said, so a change could probably sound bad to you. I recommend listening to the 599 for some amount of time, keep in mind not to exceed the return window if you still don't like it.