
NeosWorld101 t1_iu74743 wrote

The ceiling stared back at me as I stared up at it while I laid in my bed. All my hard work and dedication just to be put aside by all the heroes.

My powers? Well some might say that if I wanted to be a hero then I should ignore my abilities. What are those abilities? Well for starters, my powers are powered by blood.

The powers just kinda take over and everything goes red when I use them. I usually wake up afterwards either over the bodies or in some alleyway. In both cases I was covered in blood, unsure if it was my own or not.

This is how most heroes seem to have heard of me.

During a meet and greet for superheros that were visiting the city a villain started to run rampage in the convention. Two heroes died when it all started, many others were injured. The heroes were focused on protecting the civilians so none of them could focus on attacking the villain.

That's.... That's when I stepped in... Someone's blood got in my mouth and then it got into my system. It was all red after that. Next thing I know, I'm over his body, covered in blood. So. Much. Blood. It was barely mine and the villain had very few wounds that would produce so much blood. The only thing going through my mind was how many people I must have killed.

Then I saw it. The two heroes that died when it all started, drained of blood. Then I saw four other bodies, also drained of their blood.

Heroes were looking at me, shock in their eyes. Frozen where they stood. Eyes wide with fear.

After that they took me in and interviewed me while I was in restraints. They asked me about what I did and how I did it. Eventually they let me out and sent me home, they made sure to keep tabs on me just to make sure I didn't end up killing people.

I know that they're afraid of me. They know I could kill them and I wouldn't even have to put a thought into it.