
Nervous_Month_381 OP t1_ix80mos wrote

Naw, this is still good though, I'd love to check this out later on. It was a stream, pretty narrow, it went from a normal stream to an irrigation ditch about 3-4 feet wide. I didn't use a tube, just kind of swam and floated along the stream all day and walked like 6 miles through the woods back to my car. We didn't do that for the trip, we just kind of toured the site. It was when I came back that I decided to swim along it for the hell of it, I don't think it's something folks typically do as a tourist site. It was me just kind of doing my own thing, but I remember there was a pretty strong but not too fast current, it went from a rocky steam bed near the historical site to like a soft clay when it became an irrigation ditch. I'm betting there are probably a number of places similar to this all over mass, so my hope in finding this place again is kinda slim. Thank you!