
Netzapper t1_jcwc8wm wrote

> I think it’s a bit sad, because that was a really special experience when I was young, but it’s not really much of a pull these days.

How I feel about arcades for sure. I'm a little more meh on movie theaters.


Netzapper t1_j0lwhgc wrote

There's good food in this town (especially compared to other places), but not ethnic food and not fine dining.

We've got like 170,000 people in town. Every restaurant that wants to stay open needs about 100 of those people to come in and eat every day. That's 700-1000 people every week. I would estimate that to stay open, even the tiniest hole-in-the-wall restaurant here must be both affordable and appetizing to at least 10% of the population.

By American standards, Ethiopian food seems very unusual. I tried it in Philly, at the best joint in town, with an actual Ethiopian community to go eat there regularly. I found it very challenging food to enjoy, both in terms of presentation and flavor. And compared to most people I meet here in Springfield, I'm like Anthony Bourdain levels of adventurous in my eating. I don't think 10% of Springfield would eat Ethiopian food. Fuck, I can't get a lot of people to eat Indian food.

There's just no way for niche restaurants to survive here. There's not enough people, and there's no cultural push to eat adventurously.


Netzapper t1_izers3l wrote

Reply to comment by robzilla71173 in The Lord has spoken by Ganrokh

What you're probably missing is that he likely didn't care much for any of them. If he thinks they're all kinda trashy, going for the one that really leans into the trashiness is right up his alley.


Netzapper t1_ixyw9ej wrote

Reply to comment by pdoxr9 in Physicians: Cox vs Mercy? by [deleted]

OP asked for physicians' opinions. I gave the one I know.

Every time this turns into a debate about "why", though, it just breaks down along religious lines with both sides whining about anecdotes vs evidence.

If I'm like "Mercy has a bunch of religious policies", people are like "no, but my doctor is great and I had a great outcome" or "yeah, they're assholes, and I almost died".

If I'm like "Cox feels impersonal and cold", people are like "no, but my doctor is great and I had a great outcome" or "yeah, they're assholes, and I almost died".

There's no point.

EDIT: to be clear, I don't think they're equivalent. Just that the argument here gets pretty silly.


Netzapper t1_ivv9swl wrote

Reply to comment by nickcash in CRT and Amendment 3 by AttorneyTime4601

I mean, I was there... but I'm not saying that they looked better overall at the time. Our game TV all the way up to like 2000 was fuzzy as fuck, and certainly from at least the early 80's. An LCD is an improvement from that. But so was my $100 college TV from BestBuy.

But the pixel artists of the day really were optimizing around the geometry and physics of TV pixels, and I do think it looks smoother when viewed on a nicely-calibrated CRT than on a similarly-calibrated LCD. Again, this isn't about nostalgia. The artists had high-end CRTs on their desks when they were making the games.

You also get into stuff like the Nintendo Zapper not working on LCDs because of the way it depends on CRT scanlines.


Netzapper t1_ivofn0x wrote

I think they're talking about the fact that old games were designed to run on CRTs. In particular, they took advantage of the way pixels bleed together on a CRT screen to make art look substantially smoother than it does on a crisp LCD/OLED. There's a bunch of videos and articles that go into detail about it, but it's a real thing you can see for yourself with side-by-side comparisons, not just nostalgia goggles.


Netzapper t1_isk71k8 wrote

Yep, I didn't want to get into that.

You have to be careful when you're buying seafood that you're actually buying what's fished near that locale. If you're in Seattle buying scallops or shrimp, well, you're eating frozen ones, cause those species literally don't grow in the Pacific Northwest. But you can absolutely find market-fresh salmon in a variety of restaurants. In Maine, lobster is cheap as fuck, sweet, and delicious... but your clams are likely frozen, and your salmon is likely Canadian at best.

And this doesn't even get into the fact that most of the local coastal fisheries in the US are totally fucked and depleted, so whereas you might get local clams in Massachusetts back in the day, or local crabs in Maryland, most of that has to be caught way off coast now. Which means commercial ships, storage, and wholesale. So even if the crab was caught roughly off Maryland, it still might be stored for a month before it actually gets to Baltimore.

> Springfield's only difference is there is less selection because there is less money.

This is the crux of what I'm talking about with sushi elsewhere in the thread. There are not enough people every night willing to go out and spend $100+ on seafood here, which means restaurants don't order a lot of high-price stock, and don't go through what they do order very fast.

But yeah, it's not "all marketing", and you're tripping hard if you think that the best sushi here is on the same level as the best sushi in Denver or Chicago.


Netzapper t1_ish5cg9 wrote

I agree with you in big, high-income cities. The sushi is great in St. Louis and Denver, for instance. But here in Springfield, nobody's eating enough good sushi from the same places, so it sits frozen for quite a while. Can you find some palatable fishes at some places at some times? Probably, but it's definitely not the sublime experience that sushi should be.
