
NeuroticLoofah t1_jb5k2rv wrote

Downvotes don't bother me, this is a hill I will die on. It is like being waterboarded with slime (and I have no problems with swallowing as long as it is expected).

When I got the alert for your comment, I was in a thread discussing the rising rate of women who are refusing to have sex with men. The two women I know that are celebate are not so because of abortion access or anything, it's because they are tired of men putting his pleasure before her comfort.


NeuroticLoofah t1_jb3jqi8 wrote

>Beat it like it owes you money! OMG, priceless. Thank you for that bit of levity. If you accept a bare penis into your mouth you have accepted any and ALL risks of explosion. I mean in theory what did she think would happen? FAFO

It is absolutely not OK to cum in someone's mouth without warning. It is terrible and shows a huge lack of respect. I imagine you don't get many repeat blow jobs.
