
NewCanadianMTurker t1_j9pjo46 wrote

"The rules were simple – essentially, contestants were required to walk in circles for six days in a row, until they had completed laps equivalent to at least 450 miles (724km)."

So spectators would go to watch people walking around in circles for 6 days? I can see why people lost interest in it.


NewCanadianMTurker t1_j9lb5do wrote

The general idea is that mass shootings are conducted by the government so that they have an excuse to pass gun control laws which will force people to give up their guns.

The smaller details (such as why a particular person was chosen to be framed, how the framing was conducted, or what the government will do once its citizens are unarmed) will vary depending on which conspiracy theorist you ask.


NewCanadianMTurker t1_j9gu54s wrote

Damn, that sucks.

Things may seem bad now, but maybe having everything out in the open now is better than continuing to live a lie for who knows how many years?

Or if you would rather lie to avoid making things difficult between you and your family, maybe tell them you were misled by one of your classmates and that you regret what you said/did and promise to be a devout Muslim for the rest of your life.