
NicksOnMars t1_ixvvttn wrote

Ah, yes. Let's all just ignore the risks of drinking. Over 100,000 people die from alcohol in the US every year. Some of us dont want to be part of that statistic. Many of my friends and family, and even myself have been negatively affected by a destructive substance that is shoved in our faces at every opportunity. But that's besides the point. I dont even want to argue if drinking is good or not, cause you already know the answer. Lets talk about the article. It's not telling you to change your life, just mentions a new trend, and reveals a couple new interesting spots. Meanwhile, there's like a thousands normal bars. These new spots are refreshing and low key. They're literally just an alternative option in a sea of liquor. Why are you triggered? Enlighten yourself.


NicksOnMars t1_ixtxso5 wrote

Sober vegan here. Comments like yours illustrate just how much unhealthy behavior is normalized, while simultaneously demonizing people trying to better themselves. Sober people are not obnoxious, we're left out. Vegans are not obnoxious, we're laughed at. The smallest pip-squeak of "any NA drinks?" or "what are your vegan options?" are perceived by people like you as "antics," when really we're not doing shit but chilling. Meanwhile, Mr Meat-sweats in the corner is on his 10?th beer, loud, incomprehensible, and acting a fool. Tell me again, who's the obnoxious ones? I understand you may be struggling with your unhealthy decisions. But dont come after me. I too once felt guilty about my alcohol and animal consumption. I suspect you may be in the same boat.