
NihilistDeer t1_j9tqnvo wrote

I wrote my undergrad thesis on Heidegger’s “The Origin of the Work of Art” and Dreyfus came for a symposium with our department that year. Didn’t agree with him on everything, but he knew his Heidegger. Lawson is trying to thread the needle of philosophy of language’s reference problem, but I don’t think closure offers anything new or particularly interesting.


NihilistDeer t1_j8vyczu wrote

I have a thermos like this and keep it completely clean even tho I make coffee in it daily. The key is to scrub it every day. But I’ve cleaned my sisters after she let hers become far more stained than this. Just needs more scrubbing. If your hand doesn’t fit inside, shove a rough-scrubber sponge or even steel wool down in there with the handle of a scrub brush. Will take some work but it will come completely off if you’re persistent.