
NikkiRocker t1_j5hpwpp wrote

Mt Vernon area, very gay friendly. Close to the Charles Theater, Penn Station, and gay bars.

But in general Baltimore is pretty gay friendly.

ECPops in Ellicott City and Fells is also owned by a gay couple.


NikkiRocker t1_j4iuzaj wrote

Reply to City steps by MacysMama

Are these the steps that lead to Duquesne? I had to walk up them be time to catch a bus and had a panic attack.


NikkiRocker t1_j42oibj wrote

It is called the economics of public goods. Public space for most people is not seen as personal space. Therefore, they can abuse public space without feeling like they are devaluing something that they own.

I see the same thing in my personal neighborhood and am always picking up after others. It is aggravating!