
NoName847 t1_je7jktz wrote

I try to enjoy every moment I have , AGI is extremely exciting , but having some good food and a new series is also great , or listening to music , seeing the sunset , cuddling a loved one , reading AI news etc

Why wait to enjoy life?

Depressions sucks , and only looking to the future sounds like a good way to become (more) depressed in the present


NoName847 t1_j29he90 wrote

didnt sam said that all the feedback is amazing and exciting on twitter? they can shut it down any minute if it wouldnt be what they want

if people really throw a tantrum when its costing money I think these entitled , irrational people can be ignored

edit: "we are learning so much from ChatGPT; it's going to get a lot better, less annoying, and more useful fast." sounds like they love it


NoName847 t1_j119362 wrote

the EMG videos are great wow , didnt know about that! Personally im also really really excited for apples headset that seems to get revealed really soon, I dont plan to buy it, and I think for us normal VR fans right now its not too interesting, but apple has such a good record of introducing new tech in the mainstream, if their headset actually delivers we will see massive massive growth in the space, more users, more investors, more competitors, so exciting!


NoName847 t1_j10g6im wrote

I hope there will be eventually , my theory is that the more realistic your brain believes the virtual reality is , the less you're victim to motion sickness , so hopefully it'll cure itself with improved tech

its also not a problem for many I believe , me and my friends never had any motion sickness regardless of game from the very start


NoName847 t1_j10b1nz wrote

Just a niche right now , but I (stereo-typically) believe that VR will blow up in gaming in the next 10 years , most believe that the current gen (Oculus Quest 2 as the leading headset) is already all that VR has to offer , but having experienced the higher end headsets myself its a night/day difference in immersion and entertainment.

When we start having consumer 200 degree field of view headsets with great controls and visuals , VR will absolutely dominate entertainment compared to where its at right now