
No_Camp_7 t1_itls5hx wrote

Yes but I don’t have difficulty reading the keyboard, I have difficulty knowing where to put my fingers probably because the act of typing shorts my working memory after a while. Then I don’t know what I should be typing because my brain is so scrambled. I feel like I cannot tell up from down on the keyboard. Then I can’t understand the difference between the sounds the letters make….so r and t phonetically sound the same to me.


No_Camp_7 t1_itg76qv wrote

Apparently I’m dyslexic, but I’m great at reading. Was miles ahead of my peers at school. Reading comprehension measured to be in the 99th percentile and similarly high score for symbol processing found when I took the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale test (a 3 hour long examination with a clinical psychologist). The test did find my pronunciation for made-up words was not as strong as expected but nothing shocking.

But my spelling is in the 34th percentile, and my handwriting in the “less than 1st percentile”. My typing is awful, yet all I hear is other dyslexics saying how computers are a godsend.

When I write it type my writing just unravels into not just illegibility, but actual illiteracy. I stop being able form words, chose the right words, chose the right letters. On a keyboard I cease to be able to tell the difference between the letters, lose all sense of where the letters are etc. This can happen after five minutes, half an hour or sometimes a little longer.