
No_Fun8701 t1_itfq8ky wrote

Got adopted , by a Irish Otterhound ! Best dog I EVER Had . We called him “Mr. POOPIE “, because when he first adopted me, I took him , in my restored 1985 Camarillo with me to the drugstore to pick up my Rxs. I had planned to pick it up the “drive-up” . Of course they didn’t have it ready. So, I parked right up by the front entrance, rolled my windows down as bit & locked in. He wanted to go inside w/me , but health rules (at the time) were not allowed. I could see him through the glass door entrance & he started a following of many admirers & smiles I went ahead & walked to the pharmacy,@ the rear of the store, to get my problem solved. When I came back out, I could see him, but he was staying low. As soon as I opened the door, I saw the “doggie diamonds” on the front bucket seats !
I was so upset ! I had a very serious low tolerances “gag-reflex “! I didn’t have anything to clean up the mess, so I bought a couple of newspapers , double bagged, from inside the RX store. Using the plastic bags, for gloves & the newspapers to clean up, enough to get to a car wash or home! Of course, I did this “chore” gagging the whole time! Makes me want to gag just thinking about it. Anyway, I forgave him because he seemed embarrassed over the whole incident. I took him with me when I just had to drive-up . “Mr. Poopie”, would always draw a crowd, he had such a wonderful “personality “. I had to shell out $750. Dollars to the animal vet. He liked to stand up and extend his paws, when people got his approval , so they could shake his “hands”. Some cruel person held on to one of his arms& dislocated his shoulder! I know who did it & a couple of years latter , he made my dog disappear, when I went someplace, where dogs were not allowed and it was too hot to leave him in the car. I looked for him for years. One day I was going to do something & I crossed a drainage ditch that ran along the lot across from our farm, down to the creek, that flowed right below. I had to go through a patch of tall weeds & I saw a patch of golden fur ! It was Mr. Poopie, I knew that color was familiar . On the days when he first went missing, I went to the city dog pound , & looked through their “clients”, I met the head of the pound & he even offered me to look @ the computer images of the last week’s dogs. No luck. I went home & didn’t find out for those several years . The skeleton & fur dog hide looked like he got hit by a car. I know that guy had something to do with that . The dog would jump in the creek in the wintertime, temperature in the 35 - 45 degrees . He would try climbing up the trees that leaned over the creek. I still have an image of him leaping over a good sized pile of dried up shrubs. He would have done well @ one of the events that were mentioned, earlier, if he had come to me when he was a bit younger. Very capable dog, we still miss him. He was the first dog that we got, that became a family members!
