
No_Mans_Skybox t1_j64r0yd wrote

I'm glad you have that going for you at least. At any rate this sort of grandstanding often comes off like it's more about yourself than the cause you're promoting. I got no love for Kobe and I appreciate where you're coming from if it's genuine but there are far too many folks using this sort of thing as a soapbox for their ego for me not to be suspicious.


No_Mans_Skybox t1_j64mvrm wrote

Ahh but I didn't suggest that and you know it - all I did was point out that you're blatantly virtue signaling to make yourself feel elevated above others. Of course Kobe was a rapist, that's a no-brainer, and if it were up to me, no, there wouldn't be a memorial for him, but that doesn't change the fact that all you're doing is stroking yourself. Best of luck coping when you find an artist or musician you like turns out to be an abuser or predator.
