No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jdxfcu7 wrote
Reply to Looking for partners to found a democratic, progressive, non-profit K-8 private school by Substantial-Wrap8634
I'm just curious what your funding is like for this and where it's coming from? I notice you say you're looking for "founders" and not "investors" and offering pay, so I'm assuming this is already funded and set in stone?
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jdjkvqz wrote
Reply to comment by Diver0311 in Best ways to find housing in Seacoast area? by quoth01
I mean they both have rentals, no? Just depending on if you have 5k or 500k in your bank account...
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jdd3zdu wrote
Reply to Best ways to find housing in Seacoast area? by quoth01
Step 1. Be rich
Step 2. Know someone
Also in the summer there are FAR less rentals.
If you have the money, try Seabrook or Salisbury, Newburyport or points south.
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jbu6de4 wrote
Reply to comment by Playful_Spot_2831 in Buyer agent rebate by [deleted]
I think this dude is just trying to skirt paying his realtor a commission. Most seller Realtors would be more than happy to be a "dual agency" and get that extra commission
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jbu3lak wrote
Reply to Buyer agent rebate by [deleted]
Why not just make an offer without a realtor?
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jbl0fd8 wrote
Reply to comment by occasional_cynic in TIL about Ona Judge, enslaved by George and Martha Washington. She escaped to Portsmouth and was relentlessly sought by the Washingtons for years. by buckao
I don't know why you're getting downvoted
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jb9gcur wrote
Reply to Commuter question by amr2052
I do the opposite, I live in Boston and drive to NH every day for work. You get used to the traffic patterns, and what days/times will be busiest. ive found that trying different methods of travel is a pain, and in the long run it's just easiest to drive.
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jann2kj wrote
Reply to comment by she_wants_the_diesel in Texan Paramedic thinking of moving to New Hampshire / New England by Next-Permit-8829
You must be fun at parties
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jan8s3c wrote
Reply to comment by NckMcC in Texan Paramedic thinking of moving to New Hampshire / New England by Next-Permit-8829
No one says this
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jak04yh wrote
Reply to comment by maxhinator123 in Let’s get moving NH by bluesmom913
When you grow up here, the mountains lose their appeal pretty rapidly unfortunately
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jajzqeu wrote
Reply to comment by deadliftothersup in Let’s get moving NH by bluesmom913
Interesting, thank you for your response. This is contrary to what I've heard from my PCP so I was curious
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jaju15x wrote
Reply to comment by deadliftothersup in Let’s get moving NH by bluesmom913
And you have a source for any of this?
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jajqcwx wrote
Reply to comment by AnythingToAvoidWork in Let’s get moving NH by bluesmom913
BMI charts are also incredibly outdated. You can be 6'6 and weigh 210 and it's considered "overweight"
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jajfz2p wrote
Reply to Let’s get moving NH by bluesmom913
We're fat as fuck. Have you looked around?
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_ja8way7 wrote
Reply to comment by IntelligentMeal40 in Governor sitting next to us while out to eat with family by DareMe603
Deep breaths
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_ja8vy94 wrote
About a month and a half
Do you not have the paper license? It's good for 60 days don't stress
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_ja341cb wrote
Reply to comment by Truthislife13 in Copper Door - Bedford. Swingers? by [deleted]
I don't actually want to meet them, I just want to hear the genesis of this story
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_j9zxpba wrote
Reply to Low number plate by Colbyb96
They are handed down. Unless someone transfers it to you, you're SOL
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_j94uq0x wrote
Reply to Want to move my Girlfriend up to NH with me. Are there areas to avoid moving to? by [deleted]
This is a troll post, don't even waste your time
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_j92mfhg wrote
Reply to Any one know? by twosquarewheels
Don't worry, It's just an aerial assault on Mt Washington. It's time they paid their dues from being a tourist trap.
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_je9sn8g wrote
Reply to Forgot to renew registration, got a ticket and paid it, and put off registering a bit more, am I screwed? by Mindless-Narwhal7974
Just curious - how did you inspect it with an expired registration? I thought mechanics required a current registration to do an inspection.