
NorseTikiBar t1_jad469c wrote

I think I'm still willing to say that trends will even out as the year progresses and we'll end up with a lower number of homicides than 2022 (because right now we're talking about an increase from 25 to 35), but I would completely agree that remote learning meant a lot of at-risk kids got lost through the cracks and that we're going to be seeing a lot of trouble coming out of them as a result. That remains my biggest problem with a lot of cities' covid policies, and it's also unfortunately a situation where conservatives got to the right solution of opening schools earlier for all of the wrong reasons.


NorseTikiBar t1_jad3e12 wrote

And I'm not sure how you can try and claim that DC is so wildly dangerous when Baltimore is literally an hour away.

This is a nationwide trend, and yet some of y'all are so goddamned intent on trying to point the finger at any little thing that local government does when the reality is far more complicated.


NorseTikiBar t1_ja9ogzt wrote

Reply to comment by XcXBOX360 in Things DC does really well by erichinnw

It's more in how you'll see square footage allocated. There's always going to be a few extra tables next to a dance floor, and the kitchen is likely to stay open longer. They're mostly subtle things that you wouldn't think about, but it does mean that a small bar like Showtime couldn't work in VA.


NorseTikiBar t1_ja9c748 wrote

Describing cyclical moving patterns primarily due to the cost of housing running up against perceived needs for starting as family as "fleeing" is... unique.

Like, I can't say that I've ever seen anyone crossing the 14th Street Bridge with everything they've ever owned strapped to their car and driving like they're trying to outrun some natural disaster. Just normal insane driving.


NorseTikiBar t1_ja69wnm wrote

I think this is just showing how we should expect service fees that don't go to the waitstaff have an effect on the experience: negatively. I've been to a few places that have the service charge that explicitly calls it out as going wholly to the staff and I haven't seen a difference between those and ones that don't have a service fee where I'd be expected to tip normally.

Of course, this whole sorting process is only going to become more clusterfucked and it's the public and the service employees at these shitty spots that will suffer.


NorseTikiBar t1_ja013dl wrote

Sorry, I must have missed that part of the Constitution that said "ACSHULLY ur crime rate has to be super low to be a state." Can you point me to that Article and Section?

Additionally, your (shitty) Google search shows that New Mexico and Louisiana are around 6400 annual crimes per capita. What is the threshold when states have their statehood called into question? Is it 6500? Is it 7000? I'm curious when they should start being worried based off of your logic.