
Northman67 t1_jeaxx8x wrote

Haters gonna hate.

That's kind of the modern thing though people like you have to have someone to denigrate your own lives must be so miserably terrible that you have to spend all your time on social media down voting people.

It's really quite tragic and probably why you can't get laid except by a hooker or your mother.

Here let me downvote my own comments to show you how utterly worthless your downvote is.


Northman67 t1_iye4aor wrote

How many people could steal top secret documents from the government store them in a terrible manner in their personal residence and then lie to the FBI about possessing them and still be walking the streets today still be talking about a presidential run?

I don't think even Obama could have pulled it off. Although maybe one of our top oligarchs could get away with it?


Northman67 t1_ius7o6q wrote

Wouldn't that actually reduce shareholder value though? I believe the most important shareholders already have a strong investment in energy and oil so if you did something where buildings used less energy you would be directly impacting their bottom line. The long-term effects of this could be disastrous to the economy.


Northman67 t1_iuhnctq wrote

The way it's looking the war with Ukraine is going to shut down Russian oil production when the pipelines back up because they have to constantly keep it flowing or it will freeze (it's winter hits in Siberia...... so soon) and destroy their equipment potentially bursting pipelines all across Russia. Reportedly the last time this happened it took them 10 years to get their stuff back online and they didn't have a disastrous shutdown like it's looking like they're going to have this time. Also last time they had plenty of Western oil experts to help with the process and that's not going to be available this time. If that happens then the entire supply of oil in the world changes and yes the price is going to go way way up. But the oil company pigs in the Saudi Arabian pigs are going to be super happy about that they're going to be making bank!!!!!!


Northman67 t1_itludkk wrote

Important for the common citizen to realize that their life is 100% completely worthless and anything that they've worked on their life is 100% completely worthless and could be burned to the ground at any moment if it improved value for the shareholders of the major corporations.

And let's be real this war is funded by transactions enabled by those corporations by everyone who's buying resources from Russia keeping their economy afloat which is in turn being spent on military hardware. I suppose that we should be happy for the level of sanctions that we do get. After all it's completely unbelievable that the hyperwealthy would ever care about human life more than their personal fortunes. I would just like the rest of humanity to also figure that out so we could react accordingly.