
NotJustinTrottier t1_iv26jyk wrote

>I also find it hilarious that people think the people were bribed or something. It's a forced marriage.

This is a distinction without a difference. People are expressing that public input is a circus, we're not represented in this matter, the conclusion is foregone, and you're... saying the same thing but insisting on different words.

> Nothing but cable.

Another neat but meaningless trick, really. When these companies are severed so there's an ISP and a separate cable provider, then we can pretend these are separate contracts and services. They're all subsidizing their shitty, bloated cable service by driving up our internet bills. They're all respecting each other's regional monopolies, too; other ISPs won't move in to compete so long as Charter has a de facto monopoly on "cable" (and ISP) service.


NotJustinTrottier t1_iqwoows wrote

We all see you picking the "man bites dog" story. And we see the false dichotomy between "looking different" versus "ideology," as if white supremacy doesn't elevate looking different into a genocidal ideology.

> Domestic terrorism incidents have soared to new highs in the United States, driven chiefly by white-supremacist, anti-Muslim and anti-government extremists on the far right ...

> [R]ight-wing extremist attacks and plots greatly eclipsing those from the far left and causing more deaths, the analysis shows.

But uh, how is this violence related to workplace bullying or "mobbing" (whatever that is) anyway? This just your pet issue you want to shoehorn in anywhere that might be tangentially related? The klan loves an evangelical, truly.