
NotNowDamo t1_ivqgede wrote

It was my registration. I realize that was my ID and brought it for that reason. However, she asked me for the ID before she looked up my name in the book.

I was more worried about her asking who I am and then saying she doesn't recognize me.

My town has 1400 people and people don't move here--they move away, so I get a lot of "I don't know you" when I meet someone for the first time.

Which is what I think was happening, but thought that the polling place was the wrong place for that interaction.

Thanks for volunteering!


NotNowDamo t1_ivqd817 wrote

I have another question, similar.

I went to the fire station, our local polling place, and the woman with the signature book (I don't know what it is called) asked me my name times, at the third time I spelled it for her and she responded, I know the name, I just don't recognize you, then when I looked at her with a blank stare she just said, " oh, give me your paper."

I need to point out that this is a very rural community and I don't work in this county and am a new transplant.

I did get to vote, but found the situation uncomfortable.

I find this to be abnormal behavior and never encountered it before, but am from another part of the state and have never voted in this area before.


NotNowDamo t1_ivm9gc4 wrote

I have no proof that you did or did not edit the post. But I will grant you that I may have misread it and now misremember it.

Everything else I said still stands, and the fact that 16 of the last 20 years being a Democrat governor has no meaning because Pennsylvania has traditionally gone every other governor to the other party.


NotNowDamo t1_ivlv0iz wrote

Lol, you clearly did not say 16 years.

And yeah, I know how long ago Ridge was governor.

You not being able to tell two different points being made (even with a return in there to show a new paragraph) AND you not realizing that you were not clear in your original comment says more about your communicating skills than mine.

I am not trying to insult you, but you are not very good at this.