
Notice_Little_Things t1_iu1j0pd wrote

Well yeah your time would only be worth something in this example if you had a full time job, or at least some kind of stable income otherwise the decision would always be to fix it because you’re not making anything per hour and don’t have the money to replace. Also, this example is for decisions regarding fixing something or buying it, and you equate it to choosing to take a dump or not? Not sure what your point was at all. Ill be invoicing you for $7 for me having to waste the time reading and responding. You have to be able to value your time and i find using hourly pay is a good start to feeling like your time is worth something because someone decided you were worth that even if you don’t think it.


Notice_Little_Things t1_iu122gj wrote

Unless you’re a volunteer IT guy lol your time is worth something to whoever hired you and therefore it should be worth something to you too. For any “fix it or trash it” decision i just take my hourly pay and determine what costs more, my time to fix, or a new item. This goes for personal life as well, gotta value your time bro.