Nurisija t1_j6hj95p wrote
But how would they shorten hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia?
Nurisija t1_j3xyh6w wrote
Great, now I'm disgusted with myself too.
Nurisija t1_j2m8g7n wrote
Well yeah, I don't think that Benedict XVI has had a funeral previously.
Nurisija t1_j23xph9 wrote
Reply to [image] Empathy without boundaries by _Cautious_Memory
The trick is to never have any empathy.
Nurisija t1_j1mjgbn wrote
Reply to Childhood body mass index is unlikely to have a big impact on children's mood or behavioural disorders by giuliomagnifico
Unless they get bullied for it I guess.
Nurisija t1_jackb7l wrote
Reply to China says it's been 'open and transparent' on COVID origins by egg_static5
Somehow China and "open and transparent" seem incompatible. I wonder why that is? /s