ODDBOY90 OP t1_j7o75mw wrote

ok well what if i wanted to play with my shiny new ipad m1, no headphones either, im just jamming and ride my golden moped 2 am outside while singing spice girls, would that be like a batsignal for the wolves to come get me or would i just be viewed as a little off in the head


ODDBOY90 OP t1_j7nx4df wrote

yeah see thats what i wanna know if i went to the affordable cheapest part of newark i know in certain peoples eyes it may not best the safest but im no geek on the street. i just want to know what am i dealing with. should i be equipped ready to go at all times, or is that not needed cause people aint doing that no more and i just need common sense.

Like if i at 2 am want to go grab some milk, would it be suicide going out a night to go to the store or its not that crazy and is like every other city where you just need to mind your surroundings. or if i got a ps5 or some expensive item would i FOR SURE be a target or for the most part are people minding they business unless i came across a theif.

again newark could look like crap and have trash and paper everywhere, IDGAF, i just care about the crime. like How active is it. cause im seeing decent prices but theres always a catch. my range for rent is 1200- 1500... AND FOR NOW WHEN I GET MY MONEY UP ILL UPGRADE OR MOVE IDK.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_j7no2ej wrote

lol this is true. and its sad. i wonder if rich people do this cause they are bored. like i couldnt imagine being rich and so petty.

any was for me i didnt ever think it would be this hard to freaking leave a town. its the lack of transportation that really kills me. and unlike NY i cant walk or take a bus...

honestly and im going to run this by you do you think i should buy a car and then drive to the town i want to, find an empty car lot and just live in the car until i find employment.... im going to try for government housing and im going to look again for that lottery thing they have.

this is messed up to say but when they said nyc was dying due to the pandemic i was sort of happy only because i thought things would get cheaper and i could go there for next to nothing . i was even willing to risk getting covid.....but who knows.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_j7njo6e wrote

i hear you but thats why i was needing that 2k..... in dead end towns jobs cut hours have low pay, ugghghh you know the drill.

at the end of the day i did this to myself, i allowed myself to get used and it costed me. being too much of a nice guy cost me big time. and im an adult. so no one cares......

if i have to move to a poor neighborhood or live in a car, so be it. i cant believe life is this hard, one mistake can cost you. people in bigger cities have more opportunities and can network.

i do have another chronic issue but now its get rich or die trying so fck it. if i die i die.

this world is cruel and i cant believe i was so dam naive. not saying that i will become heartless and be selfish but now i understand what people are capable of.


but again thanks


ODDBOY90 OP t1_j7f8arg wrote

somewhere close to NYC/TRI STATE AREA for the time being, theres no jobs here and though philly is cheaper than nyc nyc kinda has more what im looking for.

plus im more famliar with nyc than Philly. life is short and these dead end towns are not it. covid really did mess up my mojo. do you think i should buy a car first or used that money for a room?


ODDBOY90 OP t1_irqjv02 wrote

smh its crazy that in 50 years most of them will be dead in other words sometimes all this petty crap means nothing. but i guess its yolo right. i just dont see how they call themselves christians.....

do you think its possible if dems win we can get it or its simply never gonna happen. im dumb when it comes to politics. i stopped caring after jan 6 when i seen how many people are that wicked and evil. politics matter but i didnt know we had this many crazies. whats the point if these guys can just get angry next time it could spark a civil war seriously........


ODDBOY90 OP t1_irqcmv9 wrote

and with that said im going to invest so hard cause im not ever going to forget this covid experience. you cant rely on nothing. i lost my job due to covid, lost family members and just like that im expected to go back to normal. I never asked for this, i would rather covid never happened and life continued as normal........