
OberonPrimeGX t1_j4fizm4 wrote

Maybe you don't want to hear this. Maybe you need to hear this.

You lack self-confidence.

I'm only saying this because I also lacked it when I was much younger. None of that "talk good about yourself in a mirror" crap is going to fix that. If you have to talk yourself up all the time, then you still lack confidence. Part of your mind sees yourself as inferior, and that your lady would drop you to the side for someone "better" than you. This all stems from a lack of self-confidence, my friend.

Do something about it. It doesn't even matter what it is. Paint a picture, sketch a tree, learn to cook foreign cuisine, take up a martial art, cut down a tree even. Build a Koi Fish pond. Feed some wild animals at a park. Write a poem, a book... an opera. Take up flash dancing, photography, caligraphy. Get lost in the woods. Climb a mountain. Jump off of a fishing boat for fun.

Just do something and keep doing it until you kick ass at it. The self-confidence will occur on its own. That is my sincere advice to you, from one man to another.

Also your English is perfectly fine.


OberonPrimeGX t1_j0zqz6q wrote

Reply to comment by onyxaj in TIFU by making my mom ramen by HushedCalli

Immediately icing burns causes tissue scarring if I recall correctly? 9th grade science teacher had to help a student that burned her hand and I recall her getting mad at us for using ice water. Told us to use cool running water from the sink first.