
ObiWanIsG0d t1_ixbzw10 wrote

The morning started as any other, and like the days before I got up at 5, made my pancakes and eggs and ate them. 6: I started my workout, the one from my favorite anime. 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 air squats, and then 10-km run. It doesn't seem to do much for me but at least I have decent stamina. Now that it's 9am I report in to start my shift. As the fourth newest recruit I'm stationed out to the southern side of the outer sector to watch out for petty crime. I saw a shady man following a woman walking somewhere, presumably home, but that's when the call came in.

"Attention all heroes. A class 9 attack is coming from the north of the outer sector. All personnel make their way there immediately." A similar thing happened once to me on one of my offdays, I was just napping on the couch when we got the call, but that was only a stage 3. Even that seemed difficult. It was only now that I realized the true gravity of this situation. There was 10 classes. This was a 9. I used the exercises that my master taught me before he passed, that seemed to clear my head of the threat. However now I was thinking of him. All our fond memories together, all the fond times, the training. It all came rushing through my head. The baggage I didn't properly deal with. Of course it had to catch up with me now, on this day, at this time. I didn't realize it but I had been standing still for 5 minutes. I rushed my way over to the gates, but by then it was too late. My friends, the people I looked up to who were holding the lines down. They were all gone. Not even the legendary Bugman was able to do anything. I saw his body on the ground, looking dead. I stood atop one of the houses, thinking about everything I did wrong. How I was a failure as I hero, how all these people are gonna die and there's nothing I can do about it, but then I saw something. Bugman's eyes... they looked toward me, then returned to their old position. This brought me back to my senses. My hero is looking at me, he knows im here. I gotta make him proud. I jumped down from the rough and land in the generic hero pose; Mistake number one.

A bit louder than I meant to I say "Goddammit that hurt". Already I go making a fool of myself. 3 of the villains just start laughing at me.

"Get a load of this loser, I mean look at him, he doesn't even have a cool outfit." It was true, I was just in a standard set of athletic clothes and running shoes. But they didn't know one thing. I was a master debater and a phycology degree. That on top of my above average strength and speed but those wouldn't help me now. At least 20 people were looking on at me in awe, watching as what they thought would be some kind of legendary battle. It would not be. "Tell me mighty sirs, what are your names."

The biggest one speaks first "I am the mighty Vanguard." "The short stubby one is chaos." The one on my right? He's Hadria. And you, bold one?"

"Me? I'm Agent Hare" Chaos lets out a snicker. I ignore it. "You see, lets think rationally here. You've spilt enough blood, mine doesn't make a difference, it's just a waste of energy to kill me. I can not feasibly defeat such great men as you. But what is you really gain to achieve? Honor? by killing innocent people and those just trying to help? Glory? By ransacking a city not well enough defended?" By some miracle I wasn't dead on the spot. That was a good start. After weighing my options I decided continuing was my best option. However, before I started Vanguard had some words of his own to say.

"Agent hare, although I don't know what you're trying to do, I'm afraid you're mistaken. Our mission is chaos and destruction, which we're doing a pretty good job at."

As the master of words I am, I immediately found a flaw in his phrasing. Well actually two. "Well first off, destruction is subjective. I could say, destroy a medical issue someone is having, but am I destroying it to you? Perhaps those buildings over there had some major security flaws or structural integrity? Perhaps you have sped up the resolution of a critical error? In fact, seeing as this is the outer district, a lot of things here aren't up to code. Hell, you're even doing us a favor, and for that... I thank you." Somehow my complete bullshitting managed to confuse them, and stall for Bugman to rise and release his signature attack. He releases an army of killer wasps, and not your standard kind. These are actually deadly. Although Chaos sends a fireball killing many, it's not enough, and one by one they all fall.

"I will say Agent Hare. Your methods are... obscure. I do not understand what you did or how it works, but alas thank you. What rank are you again?"

"Oh I'm the third latest recruit sir. I have not yet received any ranking."

"Well then Agent Hare." He hands me some very fancy seeming clothing. "In the name of the AOIH I declare you, a Pillar."

"W-W-W-what? A Pillar? But sir, I've been here for 3 weeks. you have to be in the AOIH for at least a year to be a Pillar, but nobody goes that fast!"

"You not only saved my life son, but countless people. If anyone has any complaints you send them to me, okay?"

"Yes sir" I say.