
Objective_Aside1858 t1_j63melo wrote



I *warned* you what would happen if you elected those moronic [political party]s, but did you listen? NO, you bought their lies and look what happened!


Once [low level elected official with minimal actual power] stole power from the People, this day was inevitable. Everything has gone to shit under their totalitarian rule. Traffic is worse. The kids don't pay attention in school. The stores can't get any [item discontinued by manufacturer three years ago].


And now... this


Tom and Jane Smith were the pillars of this community, and they lie dead - dead because of the mismanagement of that *monster* you fools support. They are..


I don't *care* that my three minutes are up! Try to take this mike away from me, sonny, and you're going to regret it


The Smiths would still be alive if [candidate that received 18% of the vote in the primary] were in charge. A man of strength! A man of honor!


*He* could have stopped this madness! He would have seen this coming, and put a stop to it! [Tom and Jane Smith died in an auto accident. The losing candidate in question had offered no policies related to traffic, and would not have the ability to implement them even if they had]


I hope you're all satisfied with what you've done. May you all rot in hell for your crimes against this community