OceanIsVerySalty t1_j64jcn2 wrote
Reply to comment by CompositeBeing in Obsidian handaxe-making workshop from 1.2 million years ago discovered in Ethiopia by rmaccr
Look, ancient people did not have nukes. This is an absurd thing to even suggest, and is a conspiracy theory with no basis in fact or proper scientific research.
OceanIsVerySalty t1_j63grea wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Obsidian handaxe-making workshop from 1.2 million years ago discovered in Ethiopia by rmaccr
A cutting edge made by banging rocks together is not at all the same as “ancient nukes.”
Ancient peoples did not have nukes. There is absolutely no real evidence of that. It is just a conspiracy theory.
OceanIsVerySalty t1_j26inv5 wrote
Reply to comment by deepinthecoats in I accidentally broke my mother's favorite cup, I'm thinking of buying a new one for the New Year, can anyone recommend a good shop for similar dishes in the city? by Agent-Gosdepa-USA
As a ceramicist, I agree kintsugi would look great, but it won’t be as functional of a cup. Definitely no dishwasher and no microwave anymore, and depending on how they execute the repair, possibly no more using the cup as an actual cup.
Would be nice if OP found a replacement cup and used kintsugi to repair this one just so their mom can have both.
OceanIsVerySalty t1_iy3ndut wrote
Reply to comment by ritz139 in US eyes long-range rockets for Ukraine as arms supplies dwindle by likeiamnoone
That’s not particularly plausible.
You’re assuming a lot: that Russians will cooperate with a full mobilization. That Ukraine, a country of 43 million people, will somehow “run out of bodies.” That other countries won’t step up their responses long before that occurs. That if that somehow does occur, that NATO would then decide that that’s the time to put boots on the ground.
OceanIsVerySalty t1_jd2it3a wrote
Reply to comment by Vulture2k in EU agrees to send Ukraine one million artillery shells by FuckYouReddiit
France still has areas you can’t go into because of the unexploded ordinances. It’s not just a few duds that pop up now and then, there’s areas so peppered with them that people can’t safely use that land.